The combined 45th and 46th Hong Kong Shue Yan University (HKSYU) Graduation Ceremony was held from 23 November to 1 December 2020, in the Lady Lily Shaw Hall at the university campus. A total of 2,119 students, comprising 1,171 in 2019 and 948 in 2020, graduated from the university’s bachelor’s and postgraduate degree programmes.
In order to bring the leavers together at their alma mater, as well as observe the government’s social distance rule, the university planned a total of 13 sessions for the seven-day combined graduation ceremony. (See figure 1)
The first three days of the graduation ceremony were for the graduates from the Faculty of Arts, the following two days were for graduates from the Faculty of Commerce, and the last two days were for graduates from the Faculty of Social Sciences.
The attendance rate of the 2019 graduates was 67%, and 82% for the 2020 graduates.
Shue Yan’s first Doctor received her degree
Among the 1,171 graduates in 2019, 1,118 were from the bachelor’s degree programmes and 53 were from the postgraduate programmes, including HKSYU’s first Doctor Ms. CHEUNG Yim, who graduated from the taught doctoral programme – Doctor of Psychology in Counselling Psychology.

Among the 948 graduates in 2020, 901 and 47 were from the bachelor’s degree programmes and the postgraduate programmes respectively. (See figure 2)
An exciting moment for graduates
Ms. NG Wan Sze, a first class honours graduate in accounting in 2019, told Shue Yan Newsletter that she was excited to be able to attend her long-awaited graduation ceremony, to receive the degree, and to see her best classmates again.
She said her study with her classmates in Shue Yan made her university life truly memorable. “After graduation, I felt like leaving a shelter because I need to manage different pressures from my work. While in university, I just need to face assignment and examinations.” (See A moment with first class honours graduates)

Ms. LAM Lee Wai, a graduate of the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Chinese Language & Literature programme in 2020, said she would like to express gratitude to the university and all parties who made sure the graduation ceremony went off as planned under the impact of the fourth wave of outbreak of the COVID-19.
“The new wave of outbreak occurred shortly before the graduation ceremony. I and my classmates worried that the ceremony might be cancelled. The social issues and COVID-19 pandemic had cast a shadow over my last year university life. I was saddened that nearly all normal campus activities were canceled. Luckily, the graduation ceremony is held as planned, and I can meet my best classmates and together we attend this prestigious ceremony. I would say, finally, we have a happy ending,” Lee Wai said.

The Presiding Officers
The Presiding Officers of the graduation ceremonies were Dr. Francis CHEUNG, Vice Chairman of Board of Governors, Professor Danny WONG, Chairman of University Council and Dr. HU Fai-Chung, Deputy President of HKSYU. And the Presenting Officers included Professor Catherine SUN, Academic Vice President, Dr. Amy CHAN, Associate Vice President (Teaching and Learning Development), Professor Selina CHAN, Associate Academic Vice President (University Research), and Professor CHEUNG Siu-keung, Associated Vice President (University Administration).
During the ceremonies, the Presenting Officer introduced the formal proceedings and the Presiding Officer conferred the degrees.

Academic Programme Achievement Awards
The Academic Programme Achievement Awards were also presented to graduates during the ceremonies, including a total of 12 graduates in 2019 and 11 graduates in 2020. (See figure 3)
University’s special arrangements
According to the original arrangements planned by the 45th and 46th Graduation Ceremony Organizing Committee, graduates’ parents or guest ticket holders could attend the ceremonies in the Lady Lily Shaw Hall, and their relatives and friends could watch the live stream of the ceremony in the Jockey Club Multimedia Production Centre at the Research Complex. Departmental group photo sessions after the ceremonies were also arranged at different venues of the campus.
However, due to the upsurge of COVID-19 cases and the government’s decision to tighten social distancing measures, the University announced on 22 November that the admittance of guest ticket holders and the live stream watching at the Jockey Club Multimedia Production Centre were cancelled, but the live stream link remained available. Graduates could still attend the ceremonies to receive their degrees in person on the stage, but the departmental group photo sessions after the ceremonies were also cancelled.
However, in view of the importance of the ceremonies and the precious moment of the gathering of the leavers, the University decided to have group photo session of graduates immediately after the ceremonies inside the Lady Lily Shaw Hall, but removing the mask was strictly prohibited.
MBA programme
The graduation ceremony of the MBA programme was held in the 26 November morning session. Professor Catherine SUN, represented the University of Louisiana at Monroe, U.S.A., and conferred the MBA degree to two graduates in 2019. The University of Louisiana at Monroe has offered the MBA programme at HKSYU since 1979.

Source: December 2020 Issue