The Department of Business Administration (BA Department), Faculty of Commerce at HKSYU, holds an annual event “Academic Week (A-Week)” every October. This event provides a platform for students,teachers, professionals, and practitioners from diverse business fields to connect and exchange current business practices. The A-Week 2023 took place from 24 to 27 October 2023 with the theme “AI and the Changing World,” providing students with a deeper understanding of the evolving trends and practices in the business world.
Throughout the A-Week 2023, the event featured four seminars and four IT workshops. The seminars covered a range of topics, including“ Ethical AI in the Changing World”,“ AI and HRM”,“ Adapting to the Future: Exploring the Intersection of Corporate Governance and AI in the Hong Kong Capital Markets” and“ AI and Marketing (Intelligent Chatbot and Creative Drawing by Generative AI)”. Prominent business leaders, business and management professionals and renowned entrepreneurs were invited to share their knowledge and experience with the students. The IT workshops focused on areas such as AI and Design, AI and Writing, AI and Presentation, and AI and Programming. These workshops provided students with the opportunity to develop valuable soft skills that they can apply to their future courses and careers.
After the event concluded, the BA department conducted a survey to collect feedback and opinions from the students regarding A-Week 2023. The majority of students expressed that they gained valuable knowledge from the practitioners and expressed to have similar sharing seminars in the following year. Considering the valuable suggestions provided by the students, the BA Department is dedicated to organizing another successful A -Week in the upcoming year.
The topics and guest speakers of the seminars and workshops of A-Week 2023 are as follows:
24 Oct 2023 (Tue) Morning session
Seminar: Ethical AI in the Changing World
Guest speaker: Mr. Mike Cheung, Microsoft Hong Kong

24 Oct 2023 (Tue) Afternoon session
Workshop: AI and Design
Speaker : Dr. Joseph Kong
25 Oct 2023 (Wed) Morning session
Seminar : AI and HRM
Guest speaker : Dr. Kenny Siu, China Enterprise Securities Company Ltd

25 Oct 2023 (Wed) Afternoon session
Workshop: AI and Writing
Speaker : Dr. Roy Ho

26 Oct 2023 (Thur) Morning session
Seminar : Adapting to the Future: Exploring the Intersection of Corporate Governance and AI in the Hong Kong Capital Markets
Guest speaker: Mr. Edmund Chan, Bot4Pro Ltd. and Mr. Oswald Au, Riskory Consultancy Ltd

26 Oct 2023 (Thur) Afternoon session
Workshop: AI and Presentation
Speaker : Dr. Joseph Kong

27 Oct 2023 (Fri) Morning session
Seminar : AI and Marketing (Intelligent Chatbot and Creative Drawing by Generative AI)
Guest speaker: Mr. Jacky Wu, Amazon Web Services

27 Oct 2023 (Fri) Afternoon session
Workshop: AI and Programming
Speaker : Dr. Roy Ho

Source: Autumn 2023 Issue