香港樹仁大學語言中心(Language Centre)自2018年10月啟用以來,一直為同學提供中、英文語文諮詢服務,以及舉辦講座、外語學習班和讀書會等活動,藉以提升同學對語言的興趣和語文運用能力。受新型肺炎疫情影響,大學雖停止面對面授課,但語言中心利用ZOOM繼續為同學提供諮詢服務。
Language Centre (English Section) 語言中心 (英文部)
Owing to the Coronavirus outbreak and the cancelation of all face-to-face instruction, the English Section of the Language Centre announced in late February that language consultation started to go online.
In an interview with Shue Yan Newsletter, Dr. YAM Pui Suen Josephine, Associate Head of the Department of English Language and Literature expressed that in order to continue to provide language consultation for students who aimed to improve their English in various aspects, the English Section decided to use ZOOM to let them meet the language consultants of the Centre.

The online service is a 15-minute one-on-one consultation, including:
- academic writing skills
- critical reading strategies
- listening
- speaking and pronunciation
- presentation skills
According to Dr. YAM, students can make an appointment with the language consultants at (Subject: Language consultation), including the date and time they would like to join.
In addition to the language consultation, APA style citation workshop is also provided by the English Section. The APA style consultation consists of two parts: (1) APA style guide – 30 mins; (2) questions from students – 15-20 mins. Two sections were held in March. The same kind of workshop will be provided again soon.
In order to arouse students’ interest in language learning, the English Section also organizes the “Jungman’s Korean Language Consultation”, hosted by a postgraduate student who is a native speaker of Korean and worked as Korean teacher before.
Students who want to learn or practice the Korean language, or are interested in knowing about the Korean culture are welcome to meet this ‘Oppa’ on Zoom. The time is Monday at 12 noon to 3 PM. Students can make an appointment or ask for more information at
Dr. YAM said the English Section would continue to host different activities, including language consultation, foreign language workshops, book clubs, film viewing and foreign language courses, for students to enhance their language skills and widen their experience in language learning.
語言中心 (中文部)
按照語言中心(中文部)的規劃,4月份共安排了3個語文諮詢服務時段(見表),同學可以通過掃描海報上的二維碼或電郵 報名。

伍鈞鈞博士表示,如果有同學來不及預早報名,也可以在當天進入Moodle「Language Centre」的版面,通過點擊公布的ZOOM會議邀請連結,接觸當值老師;不過,如果有同學正與老師對話,或有預約同學輪候,臨時加入的同學便要稍作等候。
- 11月:以「語言與社會文化」為主題,邀請著名導演黃勁輝博士主講「香港文化何處尋?從劉以鬯文學、電影《1918》、《奪命金》、《花樣年華》等談起」講座
- 11月:邀請香港大學現代語言及文化學院教授、香港研究課程總監朱耀偉教授主講「香港粵語流行曲:十個關鍵年份」講座
- 2月:邀請樹仁大學社會學系張少強教授主講「走不出,回不來:香港粵語流行歌詞中的家國認同」講座
- 3月:舉辦「粵語流行曲填詞比賽決賽暨音樂會」
- 10月:以「語言成就夢想」為主題,邀請社交媒體網絡名人西DorSi,主講「『正視懶音,為您導航』——漫談遊記與食評頻道的開創與發展」講座
- 11月:邀請臉書專頁「細眼看世界Small Eyes Big World」創辦人鄭真朗(阿Long),以「細眼看世界,雅言說夢想」為題,分享學習語言和周遊世界的樂趣和挑戰(延期舉辦)
- 2月:邀請香港著名推理小說家陳浩基,主持「寫作的修養」座談會(將延期舉辦)
- 4月:為「『別字』解構與解蔽」講座內容進行錄影,由樹仁大學中文系助理教授陳永豐老師主講。