Hong Kong Shue Yan University has taken the opportunity to showcase our aspiration to combine technology and humanities in tertiar y education at the Education & Career Expo 2023.

The four-day event, concluded by February 5, 2023, has seen more than 2,500 people visiting the booth of HKSYU. The booth, together with the displays and the exhibits, were created under the same theme to promote our five-year development blueprint in Digital Humanities.
On the first day of the Expo, HKSYU’s booth was lit up in an opening ceremony officiated by the University senior management, including Senior Vice President Prof. Catherine SUN, Academic Vice President Prof. Selina CHAN, Vice President (University Administration) Prof. CHEUNG Siu-keung, as well as the Heads and representatives of the Departments. Prof. SUN, Prof. CHAN and Prof. CHEUNG were invited to place their hands on the electronic screen to power up the tree-themed display. Secretary for Education Dr. CHOI Yuk-lin also visited the booth at a later time and showed her interests in how we achieved the goals in Digital Humanities in recent years.
Teaching colleagues and students played the role of University ambassadors during the four-day Expo to share with visitors about life in Shue Yan and answer enquiries on admissions. The booth has also set up a “Metaverse Teaching and Learning Zone”, in which visitors would put on portable VR headsets to enjoy immersive and interactive experiences created in our research projects, including the Virtual Museum of the Hungry Ghosts (Yulan) Festival, a virtual journey to the Ving Tsun Athletic Association, a VR showcase of live reporting scenario by the Department of Journalism and Communication, and a virtual journey to the Braemar Hill campus. The VR experiences have made the booth one of the most eye-catching and inviting spots in the Expo.
Ms. LEUNG Siu-ki, Jay, Director of the University Admissions Office, said the tree-themed design this year was a metaphor of Shue Yan providing tree shades for our students to grow and thrive. At the tree top there were three badges, representing the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Commerce and the Faculty of Social Sciences at HKSYU. “The design of the badges uses 12 artworks to demonstrate the unique features of each faculty. Yet at the same time they are inter-connected and share a level of cross-departmental elements between them.”
Prof. Catherine SUN told Shue Yan Newsletter that she expected the number of applications from mainland students would go up in the next academic year. “Our programmes have always been appealing to mainland students. With the end of COVID pandemic in sight and the relaxation of crossborder rules, we will make sure the supporting facilities, such as student accommodations, are ready to welcome more local and mainland students.”

Source: Jan and Feb Issue 2023