Hong Kong Shue Yan University is set to introduce cutting-edge sports technologies for both sports elites and amateurs in the campus. A memorandum of understanding (MOU) has been signed between the Office of Students Affairs and V360, a sports technology company, which will soon begin to incorporate artificial intelligence, camera monitoring, and big data into an intelligent sports platform to provide training programmes for students with smart devices.
The platform will design advanced training packages for elite athletes in the campus, while at the same time provide innovative training programs for students taking elective sports courses. It will also allow them to access and apply sports-related knowledge from artificial intelligence.

The MOU was signed by Ms. Sophia YIP Sau-yin, HKSYU Associate Vice President (Student Affairs) and Mr. Thomas JOR Hon-cheung, Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of V360 in a ceremony at the Hong Kong Shue Yan University Research Complex on February 22, 2023. It was witnessed by Prof. CHEUNG Siu-keung, HKSYU Vice President (University Administration), Dr. GONG Xiao En, HKSYU Director of Physical Education, V360 Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Mr. Nicholas CHAO, and Chief Technical Officer Mr. Gabriel PANG.
Prof. CHEUNG said the agreement marks the collaboration between the tertiary education sector and passionate, innovative start-up enterprises. It will enable the digitalization of sports data, creating an opportunity to establish a local sports database in the long run. With that, one can expect more intelligent tools in sports technology will be made available to athletes, providing the essential support to groom a whole new generation of sports elites.

Prof. CHEUNG added that HKSYU, as the first private university in Hong Kong, has been taking the initiative to “reinvent liberal arts education and promote digital humanities” in the digital age. Digital technologies are actively incorporated into the curriculum and young, innovative talents are trained and nurtured for the long-term need of Hong Kong through various initiatives such as knowledge transfer, internships and workplace experiences. The collaboration between the University and V360 will further integrate digital technologies in the sports activities in campus, which is a key component of a digital campus and for students, a thriving university life, Prof. CHEUNG said.

Mr. Thomas JOR told Shue Yan Newsletter that the company shares the same vision with the University in deploying artificial intelligence, big data and other digital technologies in sports applications. He hopes the collaboration would bring out better research and development in sports technologies, and give the company access to a wide pool of AItalents to further develop digital technologies.
Source: Mar & Apr Issue 2023