The Centre of Interdisciplinary Research in Evidence-Based Practice (CEBP) organized an international conference with a series of activities at Shue Yan University in October 2019. The conference themed “Evidence Matters: What Works for Learning and Teaching” was hold on 25th October 2019. Four overseas scholars delivered keynote speeches, followed by a panel discussion with three local scholars joining on the conference day. Near twenty latest evidence-based practice (EBP) studies were presented in discussion of new teaching and learning technology and advance education intervention. There was also a demonstration to showcase the EBP facilities and equipment in our University.
Dr. SO Kwok-sang, Secretary General of Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, was invited to be the officiating guest for the opening ceremony. He remarked the conference gathered the leading minds among local and international educators and researchers and created an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and views on the best strategy and practice in the promotion of EBP in education.

In the keynote sessions, Prof. Janet CLINTON, the Director of Centre for Program Evaluation of Melbourne Graduate School of Education from The University of Melbourne, was the first speaker. Her presentation promoted evidence as a key to improving long-term societal outcomes in education and other sectors. The second keynote speaker, Prof. Thomas F. LUSCHEI who is the Professor of School of Educational Studies from Claremont Graduate University, addressed key questions which ensured every classroom could be staffed with a qualified teacher under. Afterward, the Deputy Vice President for Education and the Director and the Professor of Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education from Kyoto University Prof. Toru IIYOSHI explored how educational ecosystems could support and sustain a more personalized, flexible, and lifelong learning for educators. The last keynote was conducted by Dr. Victor CHEN, the Associate Professor and the Acting Head of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning from National Institute of Education at Nanyang Technological University. He presented a webcast lecture in discussing how educators viewed evidences as interpretive actions based on a holistic framing of what learning should be.

The conference day was ended by the panel discussion with Dr. Amy CHAN, the Associate Academic Vice-President (Teaching and Learning Development) of our University as the facilitator. This session invited Dr. Victor CHEN, Dr. Samuel CHU Kai-wah (Associate Professor, Teacher Education and Learning Leadership of Faculty of Education from The University of Hong Kong), Dr. Theresa KWONG (Assistant Director of Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning from Hong Kong Baptist University) and Mr. David WATSON (Instructional Design Specialist of Educational Development Centre from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) to elaborate on the topic “Gamification in Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning” with latest innovative games which implicated the best practice of EBP in learning for the new generation.
Special workshops were also conducted before and after the conference day by Prof. Janet CLINTON, Prof. Thomas F. LUSCHEI and Prof. Toru IIYOSHI. Deeply investigation on how evidenced-based approach could be practiced in the institutional sector was debated. Shue Yan staff from various disciplines participated to extend their networks in research and practice with seeking collaborations with the speakers. All workshops together with the sessions from conference day shall be uploaded to YouTube channel “HKSYU IDS Projects” later.
The success of the EBP conference plays a key role in promoting EBP into the teaching and learning in Hong Kong. The Centre believes the prevalence of EBP in education increases for the better teaching strategy and learning experience.

Source: 2019 Dec and 2020 Jan Combined Issue [English only]