At Hong Kong Shue Yan University (HKSYU)’s 50th Graduation Ceremony and Honorary Doctorate Conferment Ceremony, two eminent individuals were recognized for their exceptional contributions to Hong Kong society. Dr Jacqueline PULLINGER, founder of St. Stephen’s Society, was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Social Sciences, while Centaline Group Chairman Mr SHIH Wing-ching received an Honorary Doctor of Business Administration.

Professor CHEUNG Yuet-wah, Head of the Department of Sociology and Distinguished Professor at HKSYU, lauded Dr PULLINGER’s decades-long commitment to drug rehabilitation in Hong Kong. Since her arrival in the city in 1966, Dr PULLINGER has transformed the lives of countless individuals by fostering an environment of love and hope, free from discrimination and punishment. In 1981, she established St. Stephen’s Society, a non-profit organisation enhancing welfare and rehabilitation services, earning her the moniker“ Mother Teresa of Hong Kong”.
Professor CHEUNG highlighted the enduring impact of the“ spiritual community” model of rehabilitation pioneered by Dr PULLINGER 60 years ago. The holistic approach, combining comprehensive care with spiritual support, has enabled many to break free from the chains of addiction and rebuild their lives. He commended Dr PULLINGER “for her role as a pioneer in the rehabilitation of drug addicts since the mid-1960s, and her continuous contributions to Hong Kong’s drug treatment and rehabilitation system over the decades”.
Expressing gratitude for the honour, Dr PULLINGER reaffirmed her commitment to serving those trapped in poverty through St. Stephen’s Society. She also encouraged the graduates of HKSYU to make an impact on the people around them in good and bad times, emphasising the biblical principle of “loving one’s neighbour”.
The citation for Mr SHIH Wing-ching, written by Professor Peter WONG Chung-ming of the Department of Journalism and Communication, was read by Head of Department Dr LEE Ka-man, also HKSYU Assistant Vice President. In the citation, Mr SHIH was commended for his entrepreneurial spirit and innovative business philosophy. Founding Centaline Property Agency at the age of 29, the company committed to the“ focusing on agency, not speculation” principle. Mr SHIH also adopted a “3-3-3 strategy”, allowing employees, shareholders, and the company to share profits equally and receive their fair share of rewards.
Dr LEE highlighted Mr SHIH’s dedication to stay attuned to the pulse of the times by establishing free newspaper am730, where he shares his business insights, life experiences and management philosophy. Dr LEE also lauded Mr SHIH’s compassion and commitment to improving the society through his philanthropic endeavours, such as the SHIH Wing-ching Foundation, to “give back to society and to improve it”. She commended Mr SHIH’s contribution to society “serves as an inspiring example for students to follow”.
Mr SHIH expressed his honour in receiving the honorary doctorate and reflected on the pursuit of knowledge. He reminded graduates to stay humble and recognize the cumulative wisdom of past generations. Speaking to the media after the ceremony, he shared his personal philosophy of self-assessment and innovation, encouraging students to “leave room for exploration” in their learning journeys and embrace lateral thinking to explore new possibilities.

The 50th Graduation Ceremony was held in four sessions across two days on the 28th and 29th November, 2024. A total of 1,046 graduates were awarded degrees from the University’s undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. The Presiding Officers who conferred the degrees were Mr Kenneth TING, Chairman of Board of Governors, Dr Francis CHEUNG, Vice Chairman of Board of Governors, Professor Danny WONG, Chairman of University Council, and Professor HU Yao-su, Provost of HK SYU.
The Presenting Officers who introduced the proceedings included members of HKSYU senior management: Professor Catherine SUN, Senior Vice President, Dr Jason CHOW, Vice President (University Administration), and Dr Alex LI, Associate Academic Vice President (University Research).
Among the graduates who were awarded degrees from the University’s postgraduate programmes, one was awarded a PhD in Psychology, and four received Master of Philosophy degrees in Chinese and History. The undergraduate programmes also celebrated exceptional achievements, with two graduates from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature receiving the “Academic Programme Achievement A ward”.
Source: January 2025 Issue