Hong Kong Shue Yan University Library was granted the “Friendly Website Award” in Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2022-2023, a recognition that highlights our commitment to providing an accessible digital environment for all users.
[Main photo: Prof. CHEUNG Siu Keung (left), and University Librarian Mr. Joe CHOW, attended the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2022-2023 Aw ards Presentation Ceremony.]
Speaking to Shue Yan Newsletter, University Librarian Mr. Joe CHOW, said the University Library stepped up meeting accessibility standards by establishing a new SEN Corner on the 3rd floor last year. It was specifically designed for students with special learning needs to read and study. In addition to physical facilities, the library also revamped its website to incorporate user-friendly designs for individuals with visual impairment. New functions, such as allowing users to adjust font sizes and enhance website contrast, were added to allow all students to access the University’s online resources.
To obtain the “Friendly Website Award”, the library website has to fulfil its four judging criteria. Firstly, it needs to provide meaningful text alternatives for non-text content such as icons, photos, pictures, images, banners and maps. Secondly, it will allow users to navigate through a keyboard to the homepage, where they can find essential information such as company background, address and contacts. Thirdly, it will utilize heading tags to mark important content on the website. Lastly, it has to include an accessibility statement with contact information for users who encounter difficulties.
The awards presentation ceremony for the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2022-2023 was organized by Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (HKIRC), with the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer serving as a co-organizer and the Equal Opportunities Commission as an independent advisor. The scheme aims to ensure that individuals from diverse backgrounds have equal rights to access the digital world and operate internet applications, thereby promoting an inclusive society.

Source: May & June Issue 2023