The 47th Hong Kong Shue Yan University (HKSYU) Graduation Ceremony was held from 23 to 24 November 2021, in the Lady Lily Shaw Hall at the university campus. A total of 1,021 students graduated from the university’s bachelor’s degree and postgraduate degree programmes.
Among the 1,021 graduates, 950 were from the 12 bachelor programmes and 71 were from the postgraduate programmes.
The university planned a total of four sessions for the two day graduation ceremony. The Presiding Officers of the graduation ceremonies were Mr. Kenneth TING, Chairman of Board of Governors, Dr. Francis CHEUNG, Vice Chairman of Board of Governors, and Dr. HU Fai-Chung, Deputy President of HKSYU.
Among the 71 graduates who obtained postgraduate degrees, three received the degree of Doctor of Psychology in Counselling Psychology, and three received the degree of Master of Philosophy (MPhil), including the Master of Philosophy in Chinese, Master of Philosophy in Psychology, and Master of Philosophy in Sociology. They are the first MPhil graduates of HKSYU.
54 graduates received their postgraduate degrees from the taught master programmes offered by HKSYU itself, namely, Master of Social Science in Counselling Psychology, Master of Social Science in Psychology, Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies, and Master of Science in Marketing and Consumer Psychology.
Two graduates of the MBA programme were conferred the degree by Professor Catherine SUN Tien-lun, Academic Vice President of HKSYU, representing the University of Louisiana at Monroe, U.S.A., at the graduation ceremony. The University of Louisiana at Monroe has offered the MBA programme at HKSYU since 1979.
Nine graduates of the Master of Assets and Property Management programme were conferred the degree by Professor David YEUNG, Head of the Department of Economics and Finance, representing the Hwa Hsia University of Technology, Taiwan. HKSYU collaborated with Hwa Hsia University of Technology to offer this master programme at HKSYU since 2018.

The Academic Programme Achievement Awards were also presented to 12 bachelor’s degree graduates during the ceremonies.
Ms. Claire Bernadette YOUNG, a graduate of the Doctor of Psychology in Counselling Psychology programme, missed the graduation ceremony because she needed to go back to the United Kingdom. She told Shue Yan Newsletter that during her study, she has learned to slow down and become far more intentional with everything that she does. “Self-reflection is a huge part of becoming a counselling psychologist, and once you learn to truly engage in that reflective process, it becomes part of your DNA and is hard to switch off. Reflection gives space for intentionality, and I am now far more aware of myself, actions and motivations.”

“The main memorable experience,” said Claire, “has to be the relationship I have developed with the teaching faculty along the way. The depth and breadth of expertise, dedication and professionalism I experienced from each and every one of the staff members is something I shall never forget.”
Source: Nov and Dec 2021 Combined Issue