To recognize the outstanding performance of Hong Kong Shue Yan University (HKSYU) students in industrial attachment courses, the Hong Kong Young Chief Officers’ Association (HKYCOA) donated a total of HK$ 120,000 to the Industrial Attachment Office for three years since 2019. Three students nominated from each industrial attachment course currently offered were eligible for the award in recognition of their outstanding performance in the course including one first prize, one second prize and one third prize. The collective ceremony for presenting the prizes to awardees was held on 27 April 2021 at the Hong Kong Jockey Club Multimedia Production Centre in the Research Complex. A total of 60 guests, staff members, and students joined the ceremony.

36 prizes
The awardees were arranged to collect the prizes from IAO. A total of 36 prizes with a total amount of $43,200 were offered to students (see figure below) from the 12 industrial attachment courses listed below:
- CHIN 396 Work Placement
- ENG 285 Work Placement
- HIST 380 Work Placement
- JOUR 403 Professional Internship
- BUS 490 Internship
- ECON 460 Internship
- LAW 323 Internship
- COUN 461-2 Internship
- PSY 461 Industrial Attachment
- SOC 470 Service Learning
- SOC 490 Enterprise Learning
- SW 363 Fieldwork III

HKYCOA continues to support the Outstanding Internship Award
Guests and staff members enjoyed the time to share their opinion to enhance the employability of students.
After the ceremony, IAO has successfully obtained the initial agreement with HKYCOA to continue support the Outstanding Internship Award for the coming three years.

Source: May 2021 Issue