The Department of Business Administration (BA Department), Faculty of Commerce of the HKSYU, organizes Academic Week (A-Week) in October every year to connect the practitioners and professionals in various business fields with students and teachers alike to understand more about the changing trends and practices of the business world in reality. On October 17-20, 2022, the BA Department successfully held the Academic Week 2022, on the theme of “Indus try 5.0.”
The colleagues of the BA Department weaved the different elements, including the theme, guest speaker invitation, logistics and on-site operations, into the success of the A-Week. Nearly 20 student helpers contributed a lo t to the success as well.
“This year, A-week theme is industry 5.0. Industry 5.0 is a relatively new concept which aims for a sustainable, human-centric and resilient approach” Dr. Lubanski LAM, Associate Head of the BA Department, remarked.
A total of seven seminars and one corporate visit were scheduled. Prominent business leaders, business and management professionals, renowned entrepreneurs and alumni were invited to share their knowledge and experience with students. Afterwards, BA department conducted a survey to collect students’ feedback and opinions on A-Week. With students’ suggestions, BA department determined to host successful A-Week in the next year.

The topics and guest speakers of the seminars were as follows:
17 Oct (Mon) Morning session
Theme: Digital marketing development & practices in Greater Bay Area
Guest speakers:
Mr. Sky TANG (Founder & Chairman, Concept Found Group)
Ms. Molly TANG (Deputy Director, One Lab)

17 Oct (Mon) Afternoon session
Part 1: Digital Marketing Trends with relation of Big Data Marketing
Part 2: Digital Transformation with relation to Industry 5.0Dr William YIP (Vice Chairperson, HKIM),
Guest speakers:
Dr. William YIP (Vice Chairperson, HKIM)
Dr. Angus HO (CTO, Sanfield (Management) Ltd.; Chairperson, InnoTech Affairs Committee, HKIM)

18 Oct (Tues) Morning session
Theme: The development and innovation of HK industries
Guest speakers:
Ms. WONG Fook Chi, Gigi (Executive Director and COO, King’s Flair; Treasurer, HK Young Industrialists Council)Director and COO, King’s Flair; Treasurer, HK Young Industrialists Council)
Mr. YU Kwok Wai (Executive Director, Town Ray Holdings Limited; Executive Committee Member, HK Young Industrialists Council)

18 Oct (Tues) Afternoon session
Theme: The prospects of HK industries in Greater Bay Area and the opportunities f or HK youngsters
Guest speakers:
Dr. Bobby Kam-Hing LIU (Co-founder and CEO, Milton Holdings International Limited; Honorable President, HK Young Industrialists Council)
Ms. Maggie Tsz-Shan TSOI (General Manager, Kenta Enterprise Co. Ltd.; Member, HK Young Industrialists Council)

19 Oct (Wed) Morning session
Part 1: The influences of the ESG implementation on the business development in HK
Part 2: Introduction of HKCGI
Guest speaker: Ms. Ellie PANG (Chief Executive, HKCGI)

19 Oct (Wed) Afternoon session
Theme: The effects on corporate governance of HK companies during integrating into Greater Bay Area market
Guest speaker: Dr. Maurice NGAI (Director and Group CEO, SWCS Corporate Services Group (Hong Kong) Limited, Past President, HKCGI)

20 Oct (Thu) Morning session
Theme: Today HRM: When HK employees work along with Gr eater Bay Ar ea employees
Guest speakers:
Mr. Stanley NG (Founder, Brilliant Innovation Consultancy Ltd.; Executive Chairman, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
Youth Society)
Mr. Edward LAM (CSO, WE Professional Services Limited)
Mr. Eddie CHAN (Founder, 職騰App)App)
20 Oct (Thu) A fternoon session
Theme – Corporate Visit : China Resources Capital Management Ltd.
Guest speaker: Mr. Dennis CHOI (Managing Director, CR Capital Management; Managing Partner, Runnovation)

Source: Nov and Dec Issue 2022